Herausgegeben von Rafiq Khoury und Rainer Zimmer-Winkel.
Mit einem Vorwort von Patriarch em. Michel A. Sabbah
Berlin (AphorismA) 2019 | 978-3-86575-049-5
512 S. | Hardcover mit Leseband | 30,00 €
Table of Contents
Beiträge von Rev. Naim Ateek / P. Frans Bouwen MAfr. / Bischop em. Elias Chacour / P. Peter Du Brul SJ / Pierre Georgio Gianazza sdb / Rifat Kassis / Rev. Hanna Katanasho / P. Jamal Khader / Giries Sa’ed Khoury (+) / P. Rafiq Khoury / Rev. Isaac Munther / P. David M. Neuhaus SJ / Rev. Mitri Raheb / Viola Raheb / Patriarch em. Michel Sabbah / Bishop Munib Younan / Jean Zaru.
Mit Biographien und blibliographischen Hinweisen und einen Dokumententeil (Local Theology – Al liqa 1987 / Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem – Pastoral Letter Michel Sabbah 1990 / Women’s Day of Prayer 1994 / Kairos 2008)
A comprehensive overview of theology
in the Palestinian context in our days!
“The land of Redemption unredeemed: this is the main contradiction lived through generations until today. Jerusalem and all its inhabitants today, live out this contradictory situation in their daily political life. They are people in search of life; instead they find a situation of war, oppression and death. Here theology has to spread light on the happenings within the land today.”
Michel A. Sabbah, Latin Patriarch em. of Jerusalem

The Middle East and foremost Palestine form the heartland of Christianity. At the same time Palestine lies in the centre of the Arab-Israeli conflict. And since the Arab Spring brought rather political drought than blossom to the region, Palestinian society becomes more and more exposed to religious extremism. Nonetheless, the Holy Land of Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike, constitutes with its enormous diversity of sects and communities an unparalleled germ for dialogue at the crossroad of religions and cultures.
From this historical setting Palestinian Contextual Theology arises as a collective and ecumenical project. For more than 30 years now, believers, scholars, and priests from a wide range of institutions in the Holy Land approached essential questions for the Palestinian people and their struggle for liberation from a theological angle:
What does it mean to be an Arab Palestinian Christian here and now?
What are their vocations, missions, and witnesses?